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When facing water damage, you’ll need expert restoration services to quickly guarantee the impact and prevent future issues. Our team offers 24/7 emergency response with skilled technicians who use advanced equipment for immediate water extraction and thorough dehumidification. We conduct thorough inspections to assess structural integrity, determine moisture levels, and tailor a restoration plan. Our services include mold prevention, structural drying, and detailed assistance with insurance claims. Our professionals guarantee transparent pricing and seamless communication throughout the process. To fully recover your property and protect it from future damage, exploring our services will provide the detailed guidance you need.

Overview of Water Damage Services

When you face water damage, our all-encompassing restoration solutions guarantee that every aspect of your property is addressed efficiently. We offer immediate emergency responses, deploying licensed technicians around the clock to minimize damage and stress. Trust our expertise to handle everything from water removal to full structural drying and sanitization.

Water Damage Restoration Services by True Resolve Restoration

Comprehensive Water Damage Restoration Solutions

At True Resolve Restoration, we provide a wide range of restoration services tailored to effectively address and remediate water damage in both residential and commercial properties. Our expert team employs advanced restoration techniques to guarantee thorough recovery. We focus not only on immediate water removal but also on water damage prevention to safeguard your property against future incidents.

One of our key services includes specialized document recovery methods, essential for preserving important records and maintaining continuity in your personal or business affairs. Ensuring customer satisfaction is at the heart of our operations; we aim to provide a seamless and reassuring experience during what can be a challenging time.

Maintaining the structural integrity of your property is paramount. We conduct thorough inspections and use state-of-the-art equipment to detect and address any underlying issues that could compromise the building’s stability. Our technicians are trained to handle every aspect of the restoration process, from initial assessment to final touches, ensuring your property is restored to its pre-damage condition.

Immediate Water Damage Emergency Response

By capitalizing on their 24/7 availability and swift response time, True Resolve Restoration guarantees that immediate emergency response services are deployed to your property, mitigating water damage and initiating the restoration process without delay. Their expert team is trained to handle urgent support scenarios, ensuring that every minute counts in preventing further damage.

When you contact True Resolve Restoration, they follow a structured set of emergency procedures to provide rapid assistance:

  1. Initial Assessment: Technicians arrive promptly to assess the extent of water damage and establish a clear plan of immediate action.
  2. Water Extraction: Using specialized equipment, they remove standing water quickly to prevent further seepage and damage.
  3. Structural Drying and Dehumidification: Advanced dehumidifiers and dryers are deployed to eliminate moisture and inhibit mold growth.

Their meticulous approach ensures that no detail is overlooked. By focusing on prompt assistance and effective response time, United Water Restoration Group provides peace of mind and a sense of belonging to a community that values prompt and professional service.

Trust in their immediate action and thorough emergency procedures to restore your property swiftly and efficiently, minimizing disruption and ensuring a thorough recovery process.

Water Damage Restoration Process

You’ll start the restoration process with a thorough inspection and assessment to determine the extent of the damage. Next, specialized water removal techniques are employed to extract standing water quickly and efficiently. This guarantees that the affected areas are ready for the drying and dehumidification phase, preventing further damage and mold growth.

Inspection and Assessment

Upon arrival, our licensed technicians perform a thorough inspection and assessment to determine the safety and extent of the water damage. The damage assessment is the first vital step in our restoration process. Our inspection process involves using advanced assessment techniques and precise evaluation methods to identify all affected areas.

We prioritize safety precautions to guarantee the environment is safe for both our team and your household. During the inspection, we:

  1. Evaluate Structural Integrity: Check for any signs of compromised structural elements that could pose safety hazards.
  2. Identify Water Source: Determine the source of water to prevent further damage and contamination.
  3. Assess Moisture Levels: Use specialized equipment to measure moisture content in walls, floors, and ceilings for a detailed assessment.

Our team understands the importance of a detailed inspection in devising an effective restoration plan. By meticulously evaluating the damage, we can tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, ensuring a thorough and efficient restoration process. You can trust our expertise to provide a safe and reliable assessment, making you feel secure and supported throughout the restoration journey.

Water Removal Techniques

Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, our technicians swiftly remove standing water to prevent further damage and expedite the restoration process. Employing advanced water extraction methods, we guarantee the efficient removal of water from your property. High-powered pumps and vacuums are deployed to handle both large volumes and hard-to-reach areas, leaving no moisture behind.

Following extraction, the dehumidification process begins. We use industrial-grade dehumidifiers and drying equipment to eliminate residual moisture from the air and structural materials. This step is crucial in preventing mold growth and structural damage. Our team meticulously monitors moisture levels using specialized sensors and thermal imaging to ensure thorough drying.

Sanitization techniques are then applied to affected areas to eliminate any potential health hazards. Antimicrobial treatments are used to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew, ensuring a safe living environment. Throughout the entire process, moisture monitoring is continuously conducted to verify the effectiveness of our methods and to make any necessary adjustments.

Water Damage Cost and Insurance

Understanding the costs associated with water damage restoration is essential, and we provide accurate estimates after a thorough damage assessment. You’ll also receive detailed assistance guiding you through the complexities of insurance claims, guaranteeing you maximize your coverage. Our transparent pricing ensures there are no surprises once the evaluation is complete.

Water Damage Assessment Costs

When evaluating the cost of water damage restoration, it’s important to take into account the extent of the damage and the specific services needed. The process begins with a thorough damage evaluation, followed by a detailed cost estimation. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  1. Damage Evaluation: Technicians will assess the affected areas, identifying the severity and scope of the damage. This step is vital for determining the necessary restoration services.
  2. Cost Estimation: After the assessment, you’ll receive an estimate outlining the expected restoration expenses. This includes labor, materials, and specialized equipment costs.
  3. Assessment Process: The assessment process involves inspecting structural integrity, potential mold growth, and water contamination levels to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the damage.

Understanding financial coverage is also significant. Many homeowners’ insurance policies offer coverage for water damage, but the specifics can vary. Knowing what your policy covers can help you manage restoration expenses more effectively. Always communicate with your insurance provider to clarify the extent of financial coverage available to you. This clarity ensures you can navigate the restoration process confidently and with the support you need. By following these steps, you’re well-prepared to handle the costs associated with water damage restoration.

Water Damage Insurance Claim Assistance

Understanding the intricacies of insurance claims can be challenging, but our professional team is here to provide detailed assistance every step of the way. Maneuvering the claim process for water damage can be intimidating, but with our expertise, you’ll feel supported and informed. We’ll help you grasp your insurance coverage and guarantee you meet all policy requirements.

Our team will guide you through the necessary claim documentation, making sure nothing is overlooked. From initial damage assessment to final claim submission, we ensure every detail aligns with your policy. This all-encompassing approach minimizes delays and maximizes your claim potential.

Accuracy in the claim process is vital, and our experienced professionals will help you compile and submit all required documentation efficiently. We’ll liaise directly with your insurance company, providing transparent communication about your insurance coverage and addressing any concerns you may have.

Technician Expertise

When you engage with our water damage restoration services, you benefit from technicians equipped with specialized water damage knowledge and mold remediation skills. They understand the nuances of different water damage types and implement tailored solutions to prevent long-term issues. Their expertise guarantees your home is restored safely and efficiently, minimizing health risks.

Specialized Water Damage Knowledge

Our team of technicians brings a wealth of specialized knowledge to address various types of water damage efficiently and effectively. You can trust our expertise in water damage prevention, mold prevention strategies, and advanced restoration techniques. We recognize the importance of prompt action, and our emergency response procedures are designed to mitigate further damage immediately.

Here’s what sets our technicians apart:

  1. Water Damage Prevention: We emphasize proactive measures to protect your property. This includes identifying potential risks and implementing safeguards to prevent water damage from occurring in the first place.
  2. Mold Prevention Strategies: Mold can develop rapidly after water exposure. Our team employs innovative techniques to prevent mold growth, ensuring a healthier environment for you and your family.
  3. Advanced Restoration Techniques: We utilize the latest technology and methods to restore your property to its pre-damaged state. Our structural drying methods are thorough and efficient, reducing the risk of long-term damage.

Mold Remediation Skills

Drawing on our expertise in water damage prevention, our technicians also excel in mold remediation, utilizing advanced skills to guarantee your property remains safe and healthy. Mold prevention is vital, as mold not only damages your property but also poses significant health risks. Our team starts with a thorough mold inspection to identify the extent of the problem. This meticulous inspection ensures every mold colony is located, even in hidden areas.

We employ state-of-the-art remediation techniques tailored to effectively eliminate mold. These include HEPA vacuuming, antimicrobial treatments, and controlled demolition where necessary. Our technicians are trained to handle all types of mold, ensuring your environment is restored to a healthy state.

Moisture control is another critical aspect of our remediation process. Excess moisture is a primary cause of mold growth, so we utilize advanced dehumidifiers and moisture meters to bring humidity levels to a safe range. This step is vital in preventing future mold outbreaks.

Customer Service

When facing water damage, you can count on our professional staff to provide unwavering support and guidance throughout the restoration process. Our team’s efficient emergency response guarantees that help is on the way within minutes, minimizing further damage and stress. You’ll appreciate our commitment to delivering clear communication and expert assistance from start to finish.

Professional Staff Support

Trust the dedicated professional staff to provide unwavering support throughout the water damage restoration process, guaranteeing clear communication and expert guidance at every step. Our team is rigorously trained to offer the highest level of service, focusing on your complete customer satisfaction. They undergo extensive staff training to stay updated on the latest techniques and technologies in water damage restoration.

You’ll find our technical support invaluable, as our experts are always ready to address any concerns and provide professional guidance tailored to your specific situation. In times of crisis, our staff excels at offering emergency assistance to mitigate damage and expedite restoration.

Here’s what you can expect from our professional staff support:

  1. Expert Technical Support: Our trained professionals are available 24/7 to answer your questions and provide immediate solutions.
  2. Seamless Communication: We ensure you’re always informed about the status of your restoration project, nurturing a sense of trust and belonging.
  3. Comprehensive Guidance: From initial assessment to final cleanup, our staff offers continuous professional guidance to help you navigate the complexities of water damage restoration.

Rely on our expert team to make the restoration process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Efficient Emergency Response

Our dedication to providing unwavering support seamlessly extends to our efficient emergency response, guaranteeing you’re never alone during critical moments when water damage strikes. With a focus on minimizing stress, our response time is unmatched, typically arriving within 60-90 minutes. Our well-defined emergency protocols are designed to provide rapid assistance, enabling our licensed technicians to quickly assess and address the situation.

You’ll find that our quick solutions are tailored to your specific needs, utilizing advanced water extraction and drying equipment. This efficient service ensures that we not only mitigate immediate damage but also prevent long-term issues like mold and structural instability. From the moment you contact us, we prioritize clear communication, guiding you through each step with professional expertise.

Our team’s proficiency in handling emergency scenarios is backed by years of experience and specialized training. We’re dedicated to providing you with a sense of belonging and security during what can be a highly stressful time. With our efficient emergency response, you can rest assured that you’re in capable hands, ready to restore your home swiftly and effectively.

Services Offered

When dealing with water damage, you can count on our thorough restoration services to address every aspect of the issue. Our team’s specialized water damage expertise guarantees efficient, detailed treatment, from immediate water removal to advanced structural drying techniques. Trust us to restore your property with precision and professionalism, minimizing disruption and preventing future damage.

Comprehensive Restoration Services

With extensive restoration services that include immediate water damage mitigation, mold removal, and structural drying, you can be confident in receiving a thorough and professional response to any water damage crisis. Our team prioritizes restoration process efficiency to guarantee your home returns to its pre-damage condition as quickly as possible. Accurate damage assessment allows us to create a tailored plan, maximizing the effectiveness of our efforts.

Transparency in insurance coverage is crucial. We’ll assist you in understanding the complexities, making sure you grasp every detail. Our technicians bring a wealth of expertise, providing significant benefits in handling diverse water damage scenarios. Their wide-ranging skills and certifications guarantee high-quality results, enhancing your satisfaction.

Our commitment to customer service satisfaction means you’ll receive support and clear communication throughout the restoration process. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Thorough Damage Assessment: Precise evaluation of all affected areas to develop an effective restoration plan.
  2. Efficient Water Extraction and Drying: Utilizing advanced equipment to remove water swiftly and dry structures completely.
  3. Mold Remediation and Prevention: Ensuring your home remains safe and healthy by removing mold and preventing future growth.

Specialized Water Damage Expertise

In the field of water damage restoration, we provide specialized services that are crafted to address both immediate and long-term effects of water intrusion, guaranteeing thorough recovery for your property. Our advanced techniques are tailored to minimize damage quickly and effectively. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment for water extraction, drying, and dehumidification, making sure that no moisture remains to cause future issues.

Mold prevention is a crucial part of our process. Our technicians are extensively trained in identifying and eliminating potential mold growth areas, using advanced methods and products. This training ensures that every team member is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out high-quality water restoration and damage prevention.

Our approach includes a detailed inspection to assess the extent of the damage and to develop a precise restoration plan. We don’t just stop at water removal; we also concentrate on restoring the structural integrity of your property. Our technician training programs highlight the importance of continuous learning, guaranteeing that our team stays updated on the latest industry standards and techniques.

Structural Drying

When addressing structural drying, you’ll employ advanced drying techniques to guarantee thorough moisture removal. Using moisture monitoring tools, you can accurately measure and track humidity levels throughout the process. This precise approach helps safeguard against mold growth and structural deterioration, ensuring a safe and effective restoration.

Advanced Drying Techniques

Utilizing advanced drying techniques for structural drying guarantees your property is thoroughly dried, preventing long-term damage and mold growth. Leveraging the latest drying innovations, you can greatly improve moisture management within your property. This guarantees rapid evaporation and effective structural preservation, which are vital for maintaining the integrity of your building and preventing mold development.

Here’s a detailed approach to advanced drying techniques:

  1. Rapid Evaporation and Airflow: Utilizing high-velocity air movers accelerates the drying process by promoting rapid evaporation. These powerful devices ensure that moisture is quickly removed from surfaces, preventing prolonged exposure that can lead to structural damage.
  2. Dehumidification for Moisture Management: Industrial-grade dehumidifiers are crucial for extracting excess moisture from the air. By maintaining ideal humidity levels, you can safeguard your property against mold growth and further structural degradation.
  3. Heat Drying Systems for Structural Preservation: Implementing heat drying systems can expedite the drying process for walls, floors, and other structural components. These systems penetrate deep into materials, ensuring thorough drying and helping prevent long-term damage.

Moisture Monitoring Tools

To guarantee effective structural drying, you must utilize advanced moisture monitoring tools that accurately assess and track moisture levels in various materials. These tools are vital for precise humidity detection and moisture mapping, ensuring you address all affected areas. By employing sensor technology, you can monitor real-time data, improving your drying control strategies.

Humidity detection tools measure the moisture content in the air, helping you maintain ideal drying conditions. Moisture mapping devices, such as infrared cameras and moisture meters, allow you to visualize and document water presence within walls, floors, and ceilings. These tools are critical for identifying hidden moisture that could lead to mold growth if left untreated.

Water tracking sensors help you pinpoint the source and extent of water intrusion, providing valuable information for your restoration plan. By integrating these advanced tools into your workflow, you improve your ability to control the drying process efficiently and effectively. Utilizing these technologies not only speeds up the restoration process but also ensures thorough drying, giving you peace of mind and nurturing a sense of community with those you serve.

Contact Information

To guarantee immediate assistance, you can reach us 24/7 through our emergency contact number at 404-594-9576. We additionally offer communication via email  and through the contact form on our website. Stay updated by following us on social media for the latest information and services.

Emergency Contact Details

For immediate assistance with water damage emergencies, you can reach us 24/7 by calling 404-594-9576. Our emergency response team is dedicated to providing quick communication and immediate assistance, ensuring your property’s safety and minimizing damage. Having our contact details handy allows you to act swiftly in a crisis, ensuring our professionals can address your water damage concerns without delay.

Ensuring you have rapid access to our services is crucial. Here’s what you need to know for seamless communication:

  1. Phone: Our 24/7 availability guarantees that no matter when disaster strikes, you can call 404-594-9576 for immediate help.
  2. Email: For non-urgent inquiries or detailed information, reach us at [email protected].
  3. Website Contact Form: Submit your details through our online form for a prompt response from our team.

Being well-prepared and having these contact details at your fingertips ensures you’ll receive the best possible emergency response. Our team’s professionalism and expertise guarantee a swift and efficient restoration process, making you feel supported and valued. Trust that we’re always ready to provide the help you need, whenever you need it.

Below is an illustration of the full process from start to finish!

1. Water pipes in the ceiling burst from cold weather and an improperly insulated attic.

1. Water pipes in the ceiling burst from cold weather and an improperly insulated attic.

2. Water came down from the attic and got under the floors.

2. Water came down from the attic and got under the floors.

3. The wood floor had become saturated to the point where you can see water pooling up at every joint.

3. The wood floor had become saturated to the point where you can see water pooling up at every joint.

 4. We perform moisture meter readings at every initial inspection. When moisture content is above 16% mold starts to form.

4. We perform moisture meter readings at every initial inspection. When moisture content is above 16% mold starts to form.

5.  The water damage had only been present for 48 hours, yet you can see an excessive amount of mold has already began to grow.

5. The water damage had only been present for 48 hours, yet you can see an excessive amount of mold has already began to grow.

6. The entire floor of this property had been saturated and was well above 16% moisture content, so we had to remove it all and dry the property before we began reconstruction.

6. The entire floor of this property had been saturated and was well above 16% moisture content, so we had to remove it all and dry the property before we began reconstruction.

7. We pride ourselves on restoring properties as if the damage never occurred. Here you can see a newly installed floor, drywall and trim.

7. We pride ourselves on restoring properties as if the damage never occurred. Here you can see a newly installed floor, drywall and trim.

8. Here is the ceiling that the majority of the water came through. Reconstructed like it never happened!

8. Here is the ceiling that the majority of the water came through. Reconstructed like it never happened!

9. Our team installed this beautiful bamboo flooring throughout the hallway and throughout the entire property.

9. Our team installed this beautiful bamboo flooring throughout the hallway and throughout the entire property.

10. Once our clients see our level of construction services, they typically will ask us to improve on the old design.  Our team was asked to create a kitchenette, where the sink with the water leak once was. We were happy to help, and the client loved it!

10. Once our clients see our level of construction services, they typically will ask us to improve on the old design. Our team was asked to create a kitchenette, where the sink with the water leak once was. We were happy to help, and the client loved it!

Green exclamation mark on white background.
Green exclamation mark on white background.

What to do when you have water flooding your house?

The first thing you should do is turn the main water valve off inside your home or at the street.

Who should I call when my house floods?

Even if you have a minimal amount of water on your carpet, floor, wall or ceiling, you will need to call a qualified restoration company who has the tools to do the job.
Using a towel to soak up the water, or a shop vac to remove it is a good idea, but it will not remove the water that has saturated the building materials.

That’s where True Resolve can help.

True Resolve uses technology like thermal imaging and moisture meters during our inspection to isolate the damage, and a combination of dehumidifiers, fans and decades of experience to know what building materials need to be removed to avoid mold and other serious health hazards.
We then take the pictures, thermal imaging and moisture meter readings to the insurance company to get your claim covered. This is essential. Your insurance
company will not cover a claim without proper documentation from a qualified company like True Resolve.

Who can you hire when your house floods?

You can hire any company you want. It is illegal for the insurance company to tell a homeowner what company they have to use.

Proudly serving North Atlanta and surrounding areas!

True Resolve Collaborates With All Insurance Providers

We understand the stress of dealing with insurance providers. Rest assured, we collaborate with all insurance companies,
including these distinguished firms, to ensure a smoother, hassle-free process.